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Coming Here, Being Here: Archiving

British Somali presence in the East End of London.

Numbi Arts and Tower Hamlets are leading the project Coming Here, Being Here:

A community arts project archiving British Somali heritage.

During October half term we are running a printing project with a difference!!!!!!

The theme:-

Exploring the narrative of coming here, being here. What does it mean to be British Somali living in Tower Hamlets. We will use our personal journeys to tell a visual story. We have a huge and fast-growing population of Somali residents in Tower Hamlets, yet we are not visible on the map. Can we use the Arts to challenge our invisibility? 

Over 4 days of engaged arts practice, you will be taught by professional Somali artist in collaboration with LBTH’s ‘A’ Team Arts covering:
Design development
A range of printing techniques.
How to tell your story in unique creations 
About your local heritage
This could contribute to your Arts Award portfolio. Your work will contribute to the project exhibition and archive.

When? – Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th October
Where?- Brady Arts Centre. 192 – 196 Hanbury St, London E1 5HU
Time ? – 10 am – 4 pm each day

If you are interested please complete the form below. For more information contact us at



Sign Up To Printing Project

2 + 6 =

For more info please contact us at

image: Daniele Lamarche