Please note: We use email to keep members informed of the activities of Numbi Arts CIC, and other directly relevant information, unless instructed otherwise. We will never pass on personal details to anyone else.



I have read the Numbi Arts Community Interest Statement (CIC36) I am in agreement with and support the stated objective of Numbi Arts, which focuses on social justice, participatory arts and diversity. I have read the Members’ Code of Conduct(overleaf) and understand that if I fail to abide by it my membership may be terminated I will contribute personally in some way to the company’s activities in the event of Numbi Arts CIC being wound up I will contribute to the company’s debts and liabilities to an amount not exceeding £1. I enclose my (non-refundable)joining contribution of £1


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Numbi Arts CIC

Members’ Code of Conduct

Numbi Arts is a collaborative enterprise dependent on the efforts of its members to achieve its objectives. Members are encouraged to play an active part in the company, by for instance taking part in consultations, joining a Working Group, being part of a Project Team, attending general meetings, making do nations of goods or services, providing financial support or recruiting more members.

Numbi Arts members will be mindful of the trust that is invested in them when they join the company, and will refrain from any behaviour that could bring Numbi Arts into disrepute.

Members will understand that opinions expressed by individuals may not be those of the membership as a whole, or even of the majority, and that they may speak on behalf of Numbi Arts, or use the Numbi Arts name and logo, only if they have the explicit prior agreement of the Board. Members will also appreciate that to ensure proper control of finances, they may enter into financial commitments on behalf of Numbi Arts only where this has been expressly agreed in advance by the Board (or the treasurer on their behalf).

Members are welcome to tender for contracts of work that Numbi Arts may award from time to time, but this must be done fairly, openly and transparently. Members must inform the Board if they stand to benefit financially from any Numbi Arts project that they are involved in, must not exert undue influence on other members working on projects that might so benefit them, and must declare promptly any conflicts of interest that arise.

Members who are unable to abide by this code of conduct will regrettably have their membership terminated.

Everyone at Numbi Arts will be treated fairly and with both dignity and respect, irrespective of their age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, civil partnership status, disability, nationality, race, religion or belief.


Numbi Arts shall own all intellectual property, including technical information, know-how, copyrights, models, drawings, specifications, prototypes, inventions and software developed by Numbi Arts members in performance of the Project (“Intellectual Property”). The Company shall have the first option on an exclusive or non-exclusive licence to commercially exploit the Intellectual Property on terms (including compensation to the Company) that generally reflect the industry norm. The option period shall begin with disclosure of the Intellectual Property to the Company and shall terminate 6 months thereafter. In any event, the company shall have the right to use Intellectual Property for research, teaching and administrative purposes.

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